An Cumann Gaelach

An Cumann Gaelach

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About An Cumann Gaelach

Tá an Cumann Gaelach do aon duine a bhfuil ag iarradh gaeilge a labhairt agus a spreagadh nú do aon duine a bhfuil suim acu an teanga a fhoghlaim. Fiú muna bhfuil focail ar bith agat ná bí buartha tá sé ar oscailt do gach duine agus tá tú cinnte ar a laghad cúpla frásaí bunúsach a fhoghlaim. Beidh sé mar bealach iontach bualadh le daoine eile a bhfuil spéis sa Ghaeilge acu agus a bhfuil freisin ag iarradh an teanga a spreagadh.

The Irish society is for anyone who wants to speak Irish and promote it or for anyone who has an interest in learning the language. Even if you don't have a single word don't be worried it's open for everyone and you are guaranteed to learn at least a few simple phrases. It would be a great way to meet people who have an interest in Irish and who also want to promote the language.

Current Committee 1
President Amber Stewart

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